ADA ADS Social Work Most Important Questions

ADA ADS Social Work Most Important Questions
ADA ADS Social Work Most Important Questions

Here is the list of important questions for ADA ADS Social Work. This list included all important questions for final exams. I have even given the questions in texts and in image format so that you may download them easily or copy the texts to your phone or PC.

 ADA ADS Social Work Most Important Questions

If you are looking for Social work important questions for ADA ADS than you are at the right place on this platform you can find important questions of Social work and many other ADA ADS subjects prepare these questions perfectly and score good marks...

Frequently Asked Questions (2012 to 2020)

Variations of Questions

  • Define the term social Work. What are its objectives?
  • Define the term Social Work. Explain its significant in modem society.
  • Define Case Work. Write down its steps.
  • Define social case work. Explain its role in hospital.
  • Define case work as a method of social work practice. How far it is important for a person during the process of his / her hospitalization?
  • Define Group Work. Write down its principles. / Define Group work. Explain any five (5) principles which facilitate its practice.
  • What is Community development? Throw light on its role in society.
  • Explain basic methods Case Work. Group Work and Community Development?
  • What is community Development? Explain any Five Principles of community development.
  • What do you mean by community development? Explain different phases which a worker has to follow for developing a community.
  • Explain child welfare.
  • Write down steps required to he taken from government for child welfare? / What steps Government should take for child welfare?
  • Throw light upon the women welfare in Pakistan with particular emphasis on the empowerment of rural women.
  • What is youth welfare? What is its role in lives of modern youth?
  • Write down causes by beggary in Pakistan and its solution.
  • Differentiate between voluritarily and professional social work and their importance.
  • Youth is like a back bone for any country’s development. Write down their problems and solution.
  • Causes of crimes of teenagers and give recommendations to eradicate them?
  • How would you relate Social work with Islam in the light of worth and dignity of individual?
  • How would you explain the relationship of Social Work with Islam?
  • What are causes of drug addiction? Suggest measures co check drug addiction in the society.
  • Define and explain the principles of participation in your own words.
  • Explain the following principles of Social Work.
  • i) Principle of self-help. ii) Principle of self-determination. iii) Principle of confidentiality. iv) Principle of participation. (iv) Principle of self awareness.

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